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6 Tips for Relieving Pain From Herniated Discs
Do you experience achy or sharp radiating pain to your shoulder, arm, buttock or leg? This may be an indicator of a bulging or herniated disc in your neck or back. Between each of your vertebrae that make up your spine, are small cushions called discs. Herniated discs are more common in the 30-50 age bracket. A herniated di...

Physical Therapy and Shoe Wear
Wellness and Therapy: Physical Therapy – Physical Therapists are movement specialists. Feet give us the foundation for support of our body. Your feet are comprised of 33 joints, more than 100 tendons and 26 bones. The foot is designed for propulsion and support. What we wear on our feet is importan...

Frozen shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)
What is it? Adhesive Capsulitis, or frozen shoulder, is the stiffening of the shoulder due to scar tissue, which results in painful movement and loss of motion. How do you get it? Although there is no known reason why some people get a frozen shoulder, there are a couple possible causes. Frozen shoulder usually occurs: As a rea...
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Ergonomic Tips Make Healthy Gardeners
“Gardening is a source of pleasure and exercise but don’t overdo a session.” “We must keep in mind that the most important gardening tool we have is our body. When we begin to hurt, it takes us away from the activity we enjoy so much, so it’s worth the time and effort to learn to garden ergonomicall...

Trigger Point Therapy: What is it and how does it work?
How does it work? Based on the pioneering studies of Dr. Jay Shah and colleagues at the National Institute of Health, we know that inserting a needle into a trigger point can cause favorable biochemical changes which assist in reducing pain. It is essential to elicit so-called local “twitch” responses, which are spin...

How Much Physical Therapy Will Cost You Without Health Insurance
Some people use physical therapy is an alternate option instead of surgery in some cases. When people are looking to avoid invasive procedures, and a doctor recommends it, physical therapy may be covered by certain health insurance plans. Physical therapy may also be medically necessary after certain procedures or injuries in or...